The power of a walk
The power of a walk Why didn’t I actually do these daily little walks more often? This is the question I am asking myself at this very moment, while I am standing up here on this little mountain hill not far from the village where I live and not for the first time this year, for 3 weeks I have been going for a little hike every day and here is what I noticed… It’s fascinating, I’m standing all alone up here, the short climb to the summit I have not even noticed, marched up my own rhythm, stand without

The 4 vitality rules
The 4 Vitality rules Many people wonder how they can gain more vitality and energy. In today’s world, it is all about performance, success and recognition. We are often overwhelmed with it and don’t know how to manage it. Many lose the feeling to their own body and no longer know what it needs or what it just misses. So the question is, how can we create new life force in a world where the body and mind are no longer in harmony ? Movement creates Vitality How important exercise and endurance training for the human organism are, are always

The 6 magic Pilates principles that will change your life
The 6 magic Pilates principles that will change your life Pilates is more than just a form of exercising, I have seen many clients but also teachers who have something that others don’t have. I have been practicing Pilates for many years, after becoming an instructor I realized interesting changes in my body but also my mind, I knew about the Pilates principles before, but never understood whats really behind it…here is what I figured out: Breathing Breathing is the key to human life, yet it is often taken for granted. When we consciously think about breathing, we assume that

5 Nutrients that are vital for you
5 Nutrients that are vital for you Every human being is a small, exciting microcosm in itself, so our diet is always a very individual and complex topic. There are many different opinions, strategies and diet recommendations. Regardless of which goals you are pursuing and which foods you like, there are a few rules in which most dieticians are fundamentally in agreement. The following nutrients are essential and vital to humans because the body can not synthesize them on their own and therefore needs to be fed on a regular basis. Water for the supply of all bodily functions Right

5 reasons why everyone should try Pilates
5 reasons why everyone should try Pilates Sure you’ve heard the term Pilates somewhere before, but what exactly is Pilates and how can it help ? How come that this training method has found so many followers in recent years ? The answers are quite simple to understand: Pilates activates the so called “Power House” After several hours of Pilates, the muscles in the center of your body are activated, particularly the deep abdominal and back muscles. Specially designed exercises will form and tone your body stonger and more resistant to cope with stresses of everyday life, significantly reducing the